Friday, February 22, 2008

Gettin back into it...

Time for the season to start. I'm moving pretty slow these days and need to get motivated. Waterboy is thinking about coming out in a couple of weeks for some riding and to see Buckethead (the guitar player). Then him and Timmers are looking at Memorial Day weekend for a painfest. Both those guys are an order of magnitude stronger than me, so it's time to get to it...

Base fitness? Can ride at 150W for 45 minutes on the trainer before getting bored. 30 minutes on the treadmill with the last mile at 7 minute pace. Swimming - maybe 700 meters/workout. Like I said, not really in shape yet, but it's more motivation and getting a base going than anything else.

So far no races yet, but signed up for triple bypass... Thinking about taking some exercise physiology or sports medicine classes at CSU just to pass the time. Something...

Also saw a cyclist, probably a commuter, that was hit by a car early this morning. Just makes me a bit upset - watch out on the road people!

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